European Union Reference Laboratory for
Bee Health

No new outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria since 1st. December 2015. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 29 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the protection zone. Four sentinel nuclei have been detected positive for SHB in total in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (dated 29th. December 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated 29th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (dated 29th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (dated 29th. December 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated 29th. December 2015)
On 15th. December 2015, no new outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria since 1st December 2015. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 29 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the protection zone. Four sentinel nuclei has been detected positive for SHB in total in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (dated 15th. December 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated 15th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (dated 15th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (dated 15th. December 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated 15th. December 2015)
No new outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria since 1st. December 2015. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 29 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the protection zone. A new sentinel nucleus has been detected positive for SHB on 4th. December 2015 in Calabria. In total four sentinel nuclei have been infested by the SHB in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (dated 11th. December 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated 11th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (dated 11th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (dated 11th. December 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated 11th. December 2015)
Two new outbreaks of A. tumida have been confirmed in Calabria on 1st. December 2015. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 29 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the initial protection zone. Three sentinel nuclei have been detected positive for SHB on 28th. October and on 13th. November 2015 in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (dated 4th. December 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated 4th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (dated 4th. December 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (dated 4th. December 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated 4th. December 2015)
A single new outbreak of A. tumida has been confirmed in Calabria in the Vibo Valentia province on 26th. November. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 27 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the initial protection zone. Three sentinel nuclei have been detected positive for SHB on 28th. October and on 13th. November 2015 in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (27th. November 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (24th. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (dated 27th. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (dated 27th. November 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated 27th. November 2015)
No new outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria since 18th. November 2015. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 26 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the initial protection zone. Three sentinel nuclei have been detected positive for SHB on 28th. October and 13th. November 2015 in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (24th. November 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (24th. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (24th. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (24th. November 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (24th. November 2015)
Four new outbreaks of A. tumida have been confirmed in Calabria. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 26 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the initial protection zone. Three sentinel nuclei have been detected positive for SHB on 28th. October and on 13th. November 2015 in Calabria.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (20th. November 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (20th.November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (19th. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (19th. November 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (19th. November 2015)
No new outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria since 27th. October 2015. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 22 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the protection zone. Two sentinel nuclei have been detected positive for SHB on 28th. October 2015 in Calabria.
Overall 899 apiaries have been controlled in Calabria and 403 in Sicily.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (6th. November 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive to SHB presence" (6th.November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (6th. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (6th. November 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (6th. November 2015)
There has been no new outbreak of Aethina tumida confirmed in apiaries in Italy since 27th. October 2015.
Since last September sentinel honeybee nuclei have been established in both Calabria and Sicily (violet dots and crosses on the maps). Positive sentinel nuclei (violet crosses on the maps) are listed in a separate table to avoid confusion with positive apiaries (red crosses on the map).
Until now positive sentinel honeybee nuclei have only been detected in Calabria (2 nuclei). No SHB has been detected in Sicily since November 2014.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (3rd. November 2015)
See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive to SHB presence" (3rd. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (3rd. November 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (3rd. November 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (3rd. November 2015)
Five new outbreaks of A. tumida have been confirmed in Calabria on 27th. October. Only adult coleopteran have been observed in the five new outbreaks. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 22 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the protection zone.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (27th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (27th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (27th. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (27th. October 2015)
To date (23rd October 2015), no new outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria since 15th October 2015. All the 17 outbreaks were located in the province of Reggio di Calabria. The adults of small hive beetle observed in the colonies of the last outbreak observed (confirmed on 15th October) have been collected in Beetle Blaster-like traps (17 specimens) and during the visual inspection of colonies (10 specimens).
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (23rd. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (23rd. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (23rd. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (23rd. October 2015)
The 17th outbreak of A. tumida has been observed in Calabria and confirmed on 15th October 2015. It is located in the province of Reggio di Calabria. Only adults of small hive beetle were once again observed in the colonies. For more information, you can go directly on the italian website.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (20th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (20th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (20th. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (20th. October 2015)
On 16th. October 2015, 16 A. tumida outbreaks have been observed in Calabria, all located in the province of Reggio di Calabria. Adults of small hive beetle have been observed in the colonies in each case. Coleopteran larvae have been observed only in one case.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (16th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (16th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (16th. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (16th. October 2015)
Five new outbreaks of A. tumida have been confirmed in Calabria, all located in the Gioia Tauro commune. The first outbreak of SHB observed in 2014 was also located in this commune. Only adult coleopteran have been observed in the five new outbreaks. Since 16th. September 2015, a total of 14 outbreaks of A. tumida have been observed in Calabria, all located in the protection zone.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (13th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (13th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (13th. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (13th. October 2015)
On 9th. October 2015, 9 A. tumida outbreaks have been observed in Calabria, all located in the province of Reggio di Calabria. Adults of small hive beetle have been observed in the colonies in each case. Coleopteran larvae have been observed in only one case. In Calabria, so far, 850 apiaries have been visited and controlled, and 374 apiaries in Sicilia.
See "Table of SHB confirmed cases" (9th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (9th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (9th. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (9th. October 2015)
On the last updated documents (5 October 2015), no new outbreak of A. tumida has been observed in Italy since the last confirmed case.
See "Casi confermati di Aethina tumida IT" (5th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (5th. October 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (5th. October 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (5th. October 2015)
Four outbreaks of A. tumida have been confirmed on 29th. September 2015 in Calabria (Italy). Only adults coleopteran have been observed in the last three outbreaks. All the infested apiaries are located within the protection zone.
See "Casi confermati di Aethina tumida IT" (29th. September 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (29th. September 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (29th. September 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (29th. September 2015)
A new outbreak of small hive beetle has been confirmed in Calabria on 28th. September 2015. Aethina tumida adults have been detected in the apiary. This is the second outbreak of the small hive beetle detected in Italy in 2015. For more information, you can go directly on the italian website.
See "Casi confermati di Aethina tumida IT " (28th. September 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (28th. September 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (28th. September 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (28th. September 2015)
On 16th. September 2015 the detection of Aethina tumida (adults and larvae) has been confirmed in an apiary composed of 32 beehives in the locality Figurelle di San Martino, Taurianova municipality, Calabria region. Eight beehives were positive.
This is the first report of A. tumida infestation in 2015. The last report in Calabria region was dated from 23rd. December 2014.
In the same municipality of Taurianova (RC), two infested apiaries had been detected on 13th. and 20th. October 2014. Both apiaries were destroyed according to the rule in force.
See "Casi confermati di Aethina tumida IT " (16th. September 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (16th. September 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (16th. September 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (16th. September 2015)