The Questions to EURCAW (Q2E) service provides scientific and technical assistance to Competent Authorities (CA), National Reference Centre (NRC), other Supporting Bodies (SB), from the EU Member States and the European Commission, regarding all aspects of welfare legislation implementation. The Centre is covering hatchery, farming, transportation and killing outside of risk assessment and risk management areas.


Q2E-Poultry-SFA-2020-001 How captive bolt is used in Europe for the on-farm killing of small animals and how they addressed the issue of noise for other animals and security for the users?

Q2E-Poultry-SFA-2020-003 Head-only stunning and decapitation. 

Q2E-Poultry-SFA-2020-004 Traumatism assessment protocol for broilers.

Q2E-Poultry-SFA-2021-006 Overview of the different on-farm killing methods for turkeys and ducks, due to disease control situations (avian influenza).

Q2E-Poultry-SFA-2023-005 Stun to stick time for a waterbath with frequency > 50Hz.

Q2E-Poultry-SFA-2023-010 Indicators of consciousness after electrical stunning in rabbits.

This area is updated regularly.

Last updated on 11.07.2024.