09 December 2024
The Centre is celebrating the publication of its eighth scientific article...
news list
New video: stunning of turkeys
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The video on the assessment of the state of consciousness after waterbath stunning in turkeys can be found on the website page "Stunning" or directly here.
Webinar: Assessment of consciousness after controlled atmosphere stunning in broiler chickens
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Organized by EURCAW-Poultry-SFA.
The webinar was held via Teams.
Target audience: Official inspectors from the Competent Authorities of the EU MSs
Attendance through invitation only.
The PDF of the presentation is available here.
The webinar recording is available here.
Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing requires assessing the state of consciousness of the...
Centre presentation and stunning of broilers videos
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The Centre is celebrating the production of two videos. The first is a presentation video of EURCAW Poultry-SFA which can be found on the website pages "Home" and "About Us" or directly here. The second one is on the assessment of the state of consciousness after waterbath stunning in broiler chickens which can be found on the website page "Stunning" or directly here.
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The Centre is celebrating the publication of its fourth scientific paper as a result of the work carried out in Activity 3 in 2021. In this study, we examined the validity of six methods for dust assessment in layer barns. The methods were either developed for the purpose or as a refinement of existing methods. Of the six methods examined, the dust sheet test with a test duration of 2–3 h was found to be the most promising method.
This article named "Validation of methods for...
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The Centre is celebrating the publication of its third scientific paper as a result of the work carried out in Activity 3 in 2021 and 2022. The technical study aimed at evaluating the prevalence and the inter-observer repeatability of the most valid and feasible animal-based indicators (ABIs) of the state of consciousness after waterbath stunning (WBS) in turkeys before bleeding (tonic seizure, breathing, spontaneous blinking, and vocalization) and during bleeding (wing...
Recent developments in animal welfare assessment
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On Thursday 27 October the Welfare Quality Network held its annual seminar on animal welfare indicators. This year the meeting was jointly organized by the three EURCAWs and held in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
The target audience consisted of scientific institutes who act as support bodies to their governments on animal welfare issues. In addition, the meeting was attended by representatives from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the Dutch Competent Authority (NVWA), and...
Webinar: Assessment of consciousness after waterbath stunning of turkeys
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Organized by EURCAW-Poultry-SFA.
The webinar was held via Teams.
Target audience: Official inspectors from the Competent Authorities of the EU MSs
Attendance through invitation only.
The PDF of the presentation is available here.
The webinar recording is available here.
Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing requires assessing the state of consciousness of the...
Evaluation of the protection of the welfare of laying hens in Germany
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Last September 14th, the final report of an audit of Germany in order to evaluate the protection of the welfare of laying hens at all stages of production was uploaded online. This audit was carried out from 21st, September to 1st, October 2021.
The objective was to assess the effectiveness of official controls to ensure the protection of the welfare of laying hens at all stages of production. The conclusions indicate, for example, that the welfare of laying hens is a priority to...
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA's second scientific article
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The Centre is celebrating the publication of its second scientific paper as a result of the work carried out in Activity 3 in 2020 and 2021. This study aimed at investigating the pertinence of different animal-based indicators (ABIs) for the assessment of broiler’s state of consciousness after waterbath stunning (WBS) before and during bleeding.
This article named "Inter-Observer Repeatability of Indicators of Consciousness after Waterbath Stunning in Broiler Chickens...
Visit of the Italian Reference Centres for Animal Welfare
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On 31 March 2022, the coordinator and deputy coordinator met with the Italian Reference Centre for Animal Welfare (CReNBA). Both EURCAW-Poultry-SFA and CReNBA presented their teams, past, present, and future activities. The Classyfarm System was detailed and possible training and best practices collaboration were discussed.