Foodborne Bacterial Toxins International Symposium

Jacques-Antoine Hennekinne
PhD in food microbiology, INA-PG, Paris (FR). 2009
He works at the French agency for food, occupational health and safety as deputy scientific director since December 2020. In parallel, he manages the Staphylococci, Bacillus and Clostridium unit in this laboratory since January 2014. He is the director of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci (EURL for CPS) and deputy head of the National Reference Laboratory for CPS. He took part in standardization activities as project leader for the development of the EN ISO 19020 under the CEN M381 mandate (2011-2016), was the chairman of the ISO TC34 SC9 (2018-2020) and is currently the project leader of the ISO NP 16140-9 (validation of alternative methods for bacterial toxins and biogenic amines in food) under the ISO TC34 SC9 WG3 responsibility.
Finally, he is involved in French and EU projects as participant or coordinator to develop/transfer and promote tools to characterize bacterial toxins.