News list

Chlordecone and Food Processing
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Julien Parinet was interviewed by the Chlorexpo WG as part of the work developed by the AlimOmic team on the effects of cooking on the fate of Chlordecone. Yoann Devriendt-Renault is the PhD student working on this specific subject.
Thus, after presenting the main results obtained previously (Martin et al., 2020) and currently (Yoann Devriendt-Renault's thesis), Julien answered the experts' questions.
Effet des cuissons sur la Chlordecone

Recruitments of 1 Ph.D student from Rouen University
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At the beginning of the 2021 another PhD student has been recruited.
Thierno Diallo from the Master Analytical Chemistry of the Rouen University has been recruited for Amphibie Ph.D thesis, which is part of AlimOmic. This Ph.D is in collaboration with La Rochelle University.
Thierno will work on the development of Quechers/Quppe - LC- HRMS methods in order to detect pesticides, veterinary products and microplastics in oysters and mussels from La Rochelle area in order to explain the high...

Recruitments of 2 Ph.D students from Paris-Est Créteil University
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At the beginning of the 2020 academic year (October and November) 2 PhD students were recruited.
Yassine Makni and Yoann Devriendt-Renault from the Master Omic of the Université Paris-Est Créteil have been recruited for the AlimOmic and Food-Processing&Chlordecone Ph.D thesis, respectively.