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AlimOmic était au colloque Chlordécone en Guadeloupe - mi décembre 2022
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Au colloque Chlordécone en Guadeloupe pour présenter nos travaux sur l'impact des traitements thermiques (et en particulier les micro-ondes) sur cette molécule:

18th international workshop on emerging high resolution mass spectrometry and LC-MS/MS applications in environmental and food safety
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All the AlimOmic and PhytoCuisson team was in Barcelona on October 10th and 11th to participate to the international congress organized by Damia Barcelo. We were able to present our work on the general organization of AlimOmic, the work done on chemical coverage, the optimization of acquisition modes, and the first results of thermal treatments on authorized or banned pesticides (Chlordecone).

AlimOmic aux journées scientifiques de ASLAE et AECLDPA à Grignan - 22 et 23 septembre
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Grand moment d'échanges aux journées scientifiques d'ASLAE et de l'AECLDPA à Grignan auitour de la HRMS et des travaux d'AlimOmic.
Merci encore Félix de ton accueil et de ce bon moment partagé.

publication de la review sur l'impact des traitements thermiques sur les pesticides
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Félicitation à Florian DUBOCQ et à toute l'équipe associée à ce travail (DEPR, CNRS/UNIV. Créteil) pour ce premier papier dans Food Chem. portant sur l'impact des traitements thermiques sur la stabilité des pesticides et la production de sous-produits potentiellement toxiques.
Retrouvez l'article içi

Analytics Nantes - 5 au 8 septembre 2022
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Julien PARINET et Florian DUBOCQ étaient à Nantes pour présenter les derniers travaux de l'ANR AlimOmic et de la CRD PhytoCuisson. Bon moment d'échange sur l'emploi de la HRMS pour améliorer la surveillance sanitaire et identifier des sous-produits de pesticides du fait de traitements thermiques

AlimOmic was at EHESP - IRSET in Rennes (France) for the exposome conference - ALEXS 2022
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Julien Parinet presented the work done in the framework of the ANR AlimOmic during the ALEXS Exposome Summer School, 2022 in Rennes from the 8th to 10th of June. It was a great opportunity to connect with the research community, to discuss various subjects and also strat new collaborations.

AlimOmic was in Morocco for the JPFSA
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Julien Parinet presented the work done in the framework of the ANR AlimOmic during the JPFSA in Marrakech (Morocco) on June 2 and 3, 2022. The opportunity to exchange with the analytical chemists of Morocco and to establish a number of contacts for the future.

1st Publication for Yassine Makni
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Yassine Makni has published its first article in Food Chem as first author (second article) and Thierno Diallo its second article (but this time as second author). Congratulation!
A screening method was developed for the multi-residue analysis of pesticides in baby foods using QuEChERS and UHPLC-Q-TOF. For sample preparation, the two-buffered versions of QuEChERS and different purification procedures were studied. False negatives and false positives were determined using...
1st Publication for Thierno Diallo and Yassine Makni
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I am happy to share the first publication of Thierno Diallo and Yassine Makni in the framework of their PhD projects Amphibie and AlimOmic, respecitvely. In this study, they developed a QuEChERS-LC-HRMS method for the screening of 204 pesticides in bivalves. In addition to the optimisation of the QuEChERS method using design of experiments, the impact of different HRMS acquisition modes on detection and identification were also evaluated.

GNPS et Réseaux moléculaires par MSDial
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Florian Dubocq et Yassine Makni nous ont présenté l'utilisation de GNPS et les réseaux moléculaires via MSDial.
Ils ont employé ces outils pour leurs projets respectifs et ont illustré la pertinence de tels outils.
vidéo séminaire