EURL Research & publications

The EURL team is part of the Unit for Bacterial Zoonoses at the Laboratory for Animal Health. This laboratory is located in Maisons-Alfort on the campus of the Alfort National Veterinary School (ENVA), from which it originated. Founded in 1901, it was the world's first laboratory designed to control infectious and contagious animal diseases. The Laboratory for Animal Health also has a site in Normandy devoted to equine diseases. It has 140 employees grouped into five main units and four contracted units (USC) that cover all spheres of animal health infectiology.


The team carries out applied research focusing on Brucellosis sp., Burkholderia mallei & pseudomalleiChlamydiaMycobacterium sp., Bacillus anthracis; vector-borne zoonotic bacteria such as Francisella tularensis:

  • Development of tools for phenotypic or molecular differentiation of bacterial strains to enable more precise epidemiological monitoring of outbreaks and the establishment of links between animal outbreaks and human cases;
  • Towards "One Health" approaches designed for studying interactions between pathogens, host species and the environment. Several projects are dedicated to wildlife surveillance and the role of different species in pathogen transmission. Others focus on the presence and persistence in the environment, particularly in water bodies, with the option of investigating pathogen survival in amoebae.
  • Application of new high-throughput technologies to reference activities (in particular molecular typing of strains; design of chips for multi-pathogen detection or differential diagnosis) and research (phylogeographical approaches; studies of virulence genes or genes involved in survival; modelling work associated with transmission pathways). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is the biotechnological revolution of recent years, and enables large quantities of genomes to be sequenced in record time and at a more affordable price.
  • Epidemiological studies in production livestock in order to validate diagnostic and/or screening tools, and in wildlife and/or vectors for health surveillance, identification of reservoir populations and/or victims of bacterial infections, working with other ANSES laboratories and other organisations;

IDEMBRU, our joint research EU project

Identification of emerging Brucella species: new threats for human and animals

Since the late 1990’s, several new Brucella species were isolated from humans, wild animals and/or environmental sources demonstrating a wider range of hosts and new potential zoonotic threats. Some of these species are genetically and/or phenotypically atypical in comparison to the ‘classical’ species.

An exhaustive evaluation and understanding of emerging non-classical Brucella and emerging reservoirs of classical species is needed to protect people and animals from infection. The IDEMBRU project -coordinated by the EURL team- aims to develop a toolbox focusing on emerging Brucella species and reservoirs in order to ensure rapid detection, identification and characterisation. Visit our IDEMBRU website !

List of publications 2022

Girault, G., L. Perrot, V. Mick, C. Ponsart. 2022. « High-Resolution Melting PCR as Rapid Genotyping Tool for Brucella Species. », Microorganisms 10(2), 336.

Ferreira Vicente, A., M.S.R. Mioni, D.Q. Cagnini, M.G. Ribeiro, M.F. Arabe Filho, F.J.P. Listoni, B.L.D. Ribeiro, J. Megid. 2022. « Phenotypic and molecular identification of Brucella suis biotype 1 in a pig from brazil – case report. » Braz J Microbiol 53, 487–489.

List of publications 2021

L. Freddi., V. Djokic, F. Petot-Bottin, G. Girault, L. Perrot, A. Ferreira Vicente, and C. Ponsart. "The Use of Flocked Swabs with a Protective Medium Increases the Recovery of Live Brucella Spp. And DNA Detection." Microbiol Spectr 9, no. 3 (Dec 22 2021): e0072821.

Silvio Spicic, Maja Zdelar-Tuk, Claire Ponsart, Rene S. Hendriksen, Irena Reil, Guillaume Girault, Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon, et al. "New Brucella Variant Isolated from Croatian Cattle." BMC Veterinary Research 17, no. 1 (2021).

Sophie Rossi, Elodie Petit, Pascal Marchand, Carole Toïgo, Ariane Payne, Jean-Yves Chollet, Stéphane Anselme-Martin, Benoît Guyonnaud, Antoine Greiller, Anne Thébault, Claire Ponsart, Sébastien Lambert, Gaël Reynaud, Yvette Game, Jean-Jacques Pasquier, Aline Depecker, Chantal Baudin, Bruno Garin-Bastuji, Jean Hars, Emmanuelle Gilot-Fromont. November 2021 « Evolution du foyer de brucellose chez le bouquetin des Alpes dans le massif du Bargy, Haute Savoie, entre 2012 et 2020 » Bulletin épidemiologique, santé animale et alimentation, N°92, article 10, 12 pages,

List of publications 2020

Jaÿ M, Freddi L, Mick V, Durand B, Girault G, Perrot L, Taunay B, Vuilmet T, Azam D, Ponsart C, Zanella G. Brucella microti-like prevalence in French farms producing frogs. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2020 Mar;67(2):617-625. doi: 10.1111/tbed.13377. Epub 2019 Oct 21.Tr

Ponsart C, Freddi L, Ferreira-Vicente A, Djokic V, Jaÿ M, Zanella G, Girault G. Brucella, un genre bactérien en expansion : nouvelles espèces, nouveaux réservoirs. Bull Acad Vét Fr 2020 ; Vol 173.  DOI:


List of publications 2019

Ponsart C, Riou M, Locatelli Y, Jacques I, Fadeau A, Jaÿ M, Simon R, Perrot L, Breton S, Chaumeil T, Blanc B, Ortiz K, Vion C, Rioult D, Quéméré E, Sarradin P, Chollet JY, Garin-Bastuji B, Rossi S. Brucella melitensis Rev.1 vaccination generates a higher shedding risk of the vaccine strain in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) compared to the domestic goat (Capra hircus). Vet Res. 2019 Nov 27;50(1):100  〈doi: 10.1186/s13567-019-0717-0〉

EITahir Y, Al-Farsi A, Al-Marzooqi W, Al-Toobi A, M Gaafar O, Jaÿ M, Corde Y, Bose S, Al-Hamrashdi A, Al-Kharousi K, Rajamony S, Asi MN, Al-Saqri N, AlBusaidi R, Elshafie E, H Johnson E. Investigation on Brucella infection in farm animales in Saham, Sultanate of Oman with reference to human brucellosis outbreak. MBC Vet Res. 2019 Oct 28;15(1():327.1 vaccination generates a higher shedding risk of the vaccine strain in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) compared to the domestic goat (Capra hircus). Vet Res. 2019 Oct 28;15(1):378  〈doi: 10.1186/s12917-019-2093-4〉

Jaÿ M, Freddi L, Mick V, Durand B, Girault G, Perrot L, Taunay B, Vuilmet T, Azam D, Ponsart C, Zanella G. Brucella microti-like prevalence in French farms producing frogs. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2019 Oct 1. 〈doi: 10.1111/tbed.13377〉

Muñoz PM, Mick V, Sacchini, L, Janowicz A, de Miguel MJ, Cherfa MA, Nevado CR, Girault G, Andrés-Barranco S, Jaÿ M, Di Giannatale E, Zilli K, Ancora M, Dondo A, Arnal MC, Tittarelli M, De Massis F, Garin-Bastuji B, Garofolo G. Phylogeography and epidemiology of Brucella suis biovar 2 in wildlife and domestic swine. Vet Microbiol. 2019 Jun;233:68-77.  doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2019.04.025. Epub 2019 Apr 22.


List of publications - 2018

Ferreira Vicente A, Girault G, Corde Y, Souza Ribeiro Mioni M, Borges Keid L, et al.. New insights into phylogeography of worldwide Brucella canis isolates by comparative genomics-based approaches: focus on Brazil. BMC Genomics, BioMed Central, 2018, 19, 〈10.1186/s12864-018-5001-6〉. 〈hal-02623500〉

Gioia G, Vinueza RL, Cruz M, Jay M, Corde Y, Marsot M, Zanella G. (2018) “Estimating the probability of freedom from bovine brucellosis in the Galapagos Islands.” Epidemiol Infect. 2018 Sep 19:1-3.

Girault G, Ferreira Vicente A, Corde Y, Souza Ribeiro Mioni M, Borges Keid L, Jay M, Megid J, Mick V (2018) “Genome Sequences of Five Brucella canis Strains Isolated from Different Countries throughout the World”, Genome Sequences 7:14

Hénaux V, Jaÿ M, Siebeke C, Calavas D & Ponsart C. (2018). Review of bovine brucellosis surveillance in Europe in 2015. Rev. Sci. Tech. Inf. Epiz. 37(3) : 29102018-00133-EN

Holzapfel M, Girault G, Keriel A, Ponsart C, O’Callaghan D, Mick V (2018) “Comparative Genomics and in vitro Infection of Field Clonal Isolates of Brucella melitensis Biovar 3 Did Not Identify Signature of Host Adaptation”, Frontiers in Microbiology, October 2018 Volume 9 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02505

Jay M, Girault G, Perrot L, Taunay B, Vuilmet T, Rossignol F, Pitel PH, Picard E, Ponsart C, Mick V (2018) Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Brucella microti-Like Bacteria From a Domestic Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2018, 5, 283. DOI=10.3389/fvets.2018.00283

Lambert S, Freycon P, Rossi S, Thébault A, Game Y, Toïgo C, Petit E, Barthe M-N, Gaël Reynaud G, Jaÿ M, Garin-Bastuji B, Ponsart C, Hars J, Gilot-Fromont E. High shedding potential and significant individual heterogeneity in naturally-infected Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) with Brucella melitensis. Front. Microbiol., 28 May 2018 |

Mioni M.R.S., Ferreira Vicente A., Peres M.G., Appolinario C.M., Ribeiro B.L.D.,  Pantoja JCF, Pinto JPAN, Mathias LA, Megid J. “Brucellosis prevalence in Brazilian slaughterhouses with different meat inspection systems”. Journal of Food Protection, v.81, n.7, 2018.

Ponsart C, Maurin M (2018). “Brucella”. ©ESKA 2018 - Précis de bactériologie Clinique. Chapitre N°80, 1244-1254.

Yahyaoui Azami, H., Ducrotoy, M. J., Bouslikhane, M., Hattendorf, J., Thrusfield, M., Conde- Álvarez, R., Moriyón, I., Zúñiga-Ripa, A., Muñoz, P.M., Mick, V., Bryssinckx, W., Welburn, S. C, Zinsstag, J. (2018) “The prevalence of brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis in ruminants in Sidi Kacem Province, Morocco“. PLoS One. 2018 Sep 18;13(9):e0203360.

List of publications - 2017

Hirvelä-Koski V, Nylund M, Skrzypczak T, Heikkinen P, Kauhala M, Jay M, Isomursu M, 2017. Isolation of Brucella pinnipedialis from Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Baltic Sea. J Wildl Dis 53:850-853.

Khames M, Mick V, de Miguel MJ, Girault G, Conde-Alvarez R, Khelef D, Oumouna M, Moriyon I, Munoz PM, Zuniga-Ripa A, 2017. The characterization of Brucella strains isolated from cattle in Algeria reveals the existence of a B.abortus lineage distinct from European and Sub-Saharan Africa strains, Vet Microbiol 211:124-128.

Mailles A, Ogielska M, Kemiche F, Garin-Bastuji B, Brieu N, Burnusus Z, Creuwels A, Danjean MP, Guiet P, Nasser V, Tourrand B, Valour F, Maurin M, O'Callaghan D, Mick V, Vaillant V, Jaÿ M, Lavigne JP, De Valk H, 2017. Brucella suis biovar 2 infection in humans in France: emerging infection or better recognition? Epidemiol. Infect. 145:2711-2716.

List of publications - 2016

Mailles A, Garin-Bastuji B, Lavigne JP, Jay M, Sotto A, Maurin M, Pelloux I, O'Callaghan D, Mick V, Vaillant V, De Valk H. Human brucellosis in France in the 21st century: Results from national surveillance 2004-2013. Med Mal Infect. 2016, 46(8) : 411-418. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2016.08.007.

Praud A, Durán-Ferrer M, Fretin D, Jaÿ M, O’Connor M, Stournara A, Tittarelli M, Travassos Dias I, Garin-Bastuji B. Evaluation of three competitive ELISAs and of fluorescence polarisation assay for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Vet J. 2016; 216 : 38-44.

List of publications - 2015

Picard-Hagen N, Berthelot X, Champion JL, Eon L, Lyazrhi F, Marois M, Peglion M, Schuster A, Trouche C, Garin-Bastuji B. Contagious epididymitis due to Brucella ovis: relationship between sexual function, serology and bacterial shedding in semen.  BMC Vet Res. 2015 May 30;11:125. doi: 10.1186/s12917-015-0440-7.

List of publications - 2014

Lounes N, Cherfa MA, Le Carrou G, Bouyoucef A, Jay M, Garin-Bastuji B, Mick V. Human brucellosis in Maghreb: existence of a lineage related to socio-historical connections with Europe. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 17;9(12):e115319.

Garin-Bastuji B, Hars J, Drapeau A, Cherfa MA, Game Y, Le Horgne JM, Rautureau S, Maucci E, Pasquier JJ, Jay M, Mick V. Reemergence of Brucella melitensis in wildlife, France. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1570-1.

Mick V, Le Carrou G, Corde Y, Game Y, Jay M, Garin-Bastuji B. Brucella melitensis in France: persistence in wildlife and probable spillover from Alpine  ibex to domestic animals. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 14;9(4):e94168.

Garin-Bastuji B, Mick V, Le Carrou G, Allix S, Perrett LL, Dawson CE, Groussaud P, Stubberfield EJ, Koylass M, Whatmore AM. Examination of taxonomic uncertainties surrounding Brucella abortus bv. 7 by phenotypic and molecular approaches. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2014 Mar;80(5):1570-9.

List of publications - 2013

Godfroid J, Garin-Bastuji B, Saegerman C, Blasco JM. Brucellosis in terrestrial wildlife. Rev Sci Tech. 2013 Apr;32(1):27-42.

Praud A, Gimenez O, Zanella G, Pozzi N, Antras V, Meyer L, Garin-Bastuji B. Evaluation of five serological tests for the diagnosis of porcine brucellosis in  French Polynesia. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2013 Apr;45(4):931-3.

2012 & before 2012

Ferreira AC, Chambel L, Tenreiro T, Cardoso R, Flor L, Dias IT, Pacheco T, Garin-Bastuji B, Le Flèche P, Vergnaud G, Tenreiro R, de Sá MI. MLVA16 typing of  Portuguese human and animal Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus isolates. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42514.

Mailles A, Rautureau S, Le Horgne JM, Poignet-Leroux B, d'Arnoux C, Dennetière G, Faure M, Lavigne JP, Bru JP, Garin-Bastuji B. Re-emergence of brucellosis in cattle in France and risk for human health. Euro Surveill. 2012 Jul 26;17(30).

Praud A, Champion JL, Corde Y, Drapeau A, Meyer L, Garin-Bastuji B. Assessment of the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of an indirect ELISA kit for the diagnosis of Brucella ovis infection in rams. BMC Vet Res. 2012 Jul 9;8:68.

McGiven J, Taylor A, Duncombe L, Sayers R, Albert D, Banai M, Blasco JM, Elena S, Fretin D, Garin-Bastuji B, Melzer F, Muñoz PM, Nielsen K, Nicola A, Scacchia M, Tittarelli M, Dias IT, Walravens K, Stack J. The first International Standard anti-Brucella melitensis Serum. Rev Sci Tech. 2011 Dec;30(3):809-19.

Praud A, Gimenez O, Zanella G, Dufour B, Pozzi N, Antras V, Meyer L, Garin-Bastuji B. Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of five serological tests for the diagnosis of porcine brucellosis. Prev Vet Med. 2012 Apr 1;104(1-2):94-100.

López-Goñi I, García-Yoldi D, Marín CM, de Miguel MJ, Barquero-Calvo E, Guzmán-Verri C, Albert D, Garin-Bastuji B. New Bruce-ladder multiplex PCR assay for the biovar typing of Brucella suis and the discrimination of Brucella suis and Brucella canis. Vet Microbiol. 2011 Dec 29;154(1-2):152-5.

Cvetnić Z, Spicić S, Toncić J, Majnarić D, Benić M, Albert D, Thiébaud M, Garin-Bastuji B. Brucella suis infection in domestic pigs and wild boar in Croatia. Rev Sci Tech. 2009 Dec;28(3):1057-67.

Martins H, Garin-Bastuji B, Lima F, Flor L, Pina Fonseca A, Boinas F. Reply to letter to the editor by Blasco and Moriyon (2009) concerning the manuscript "Eradication of bovine brucellosis (BB) in the Azores, Portugal-Outcome of a 5-year programme (2002-2007) based on test-and-slaughter and RB51 vaccination" by H. Martins et al. (2009). Prev Vet Med. 2010 Apr 1;94(1-2):158-62.

Meneses A, Epaulard O, Maurin M, Gressin R, Pavese P, Brion JP, Garin-Bastuji B, Stahl JP. [Brucella bacteremia reactivation 70 years after the primary infection]. Med Mal Infect. 2010 Apr;40(4):238-40.

Valdezate S, Navarro A, Rubio V, Garin-Bastuji B, Albert D, Hernandez P, Alonso PM, Saéz-Nieto JA. Emergence of a clonal lineage of Brucella abortus biovar 3 in clinical cases in Spain. J Clin Microbiol. 2009 Aug;47(8):2687-8.

Martins H, Garin-Bastuji B, Lima F, Flor L, Pina Fonseca A, Boinas F. Eradication of bovine brucellosis in the Azores, Portugal-Outcome of a 5-year programme (2002-2007) based on test-and-slaughter and RB51 vaccination. Prev Vet Med. 2009 Jul 1;90(1-2):80-9.

Bounaadja L, Albert D, Chénais B, Hénault S, Zygmunt MS, Poliak S, Garin-Bastuji B. Real-time PCR for identification of Brucella spp.: a comparative study of IS711, bcsp31 and per target genes. Vet Microbiol. 2009 May 28;137(1-2):156-64.

López-Goñi I, García-Yoldi D, Marín CM, de Miguel MJ, Muñoz PM, Blasco JM, Jacques I, Grayon M, Cloeckaert A, Ferreira AC, Cardoso R, Corrêa de Sá MI, Walravens K, Albert D, Garin-Bastuji B. Evaluation of a multiplex PCR assay (Bruce-ladder) for molecular typing of all Brucella species, including the vaccine strains. J Clin Microbiol. 2008 Oct;46(10):3484-7.

Fretin D, Whatmore AM, Al Dahouk S, Neubauer H, Garin-Bastuji B, Albert D, Van Hessche M, Ménart M, Godfroid J, Walravens K, Wattiau P. Brucella suis identification and biovar typing by real-time PCR. Vet Microbiol. 2008 Oct 15;131(3-4):376-85.

Garin-Bastuji B. Reference laboratory networking: the European experience in brucellosis. Dev Biol (Basel). 2007;128:131-8.

Leuenberger R, Boujon P, Thür B, Miserez R, Garin-Bastuji B, Rüfenacht J, Stärk KD. Prevalence of classical swine fever, Aujeszky's disease and brucellosis in a population of wild boar in Switzerland. Vet Rec. 2007 Mar 17;160(11):362-8.  

Ferrão-Beck L, Cardoso R, Muñoz PM, de Miguel MJ, Albert D, Ferreira AC, Marín CM, Thiébaud M, Jacques I, Grayon M, Zygmunt MS, Garin-Bastuji B, Blasco JM, Sá MI. Development of a multiplex PCR assay for polymorphism analysis of Brucella suis biovars causing brucellosis in swine. Vet Microbiol. 2006 Jun 15;115(1-3):269-77.

Cvetnic Z, Spicic S, Curic S, Jukic B, Lojkic M, Albert D, Thiébaud M, Garin-Bastuji B. Isolation of Brucella suis biovar 3 from horses in Croatia. Vet Rec. 2005 Apr 30;156(18):584-5.

Godfroid J, Cloeckaert A, Liautard JP, Kohler S, Fretin D, Walravens K, Garin-Bastuji B, Letesson JJ. From the discovery of the Malta fever's agent to the discovery of a marine mammal reservoir, brucellosis has continuously been a re-emerging zoonosis. Vet Res. 2005 May-Jun;36(3):313-26.

Megid J, Albert D, Fagliari JJ, Paes AC, Listoni FP, Pinto MR, Ribeiro MG, Thiébaud M, Ueno T, Garin-Bastuji B. Isolation of Brucella abortus from cattle and water buffalo in Brazil. Vet Rec. 2005 Jan 29;156(5):147-8.

Muñoz PM, Marín CM, Monreal D, González D, Garin-Bastuji B, Díaz R, Mainar-Jaime RC, Moriyón I, Blasco JM. Efficacy of several serological tests and antigens for diagnosis of bovine brucellosis in the presence of false-positive serological results due to Yersinia enterocolitica O:9. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2005 Jan;12(1):141-51.

Pouillot R, Grilló MJ, Alabart JL, Garin-Bastuji B, Blasco JM. Statistical procedures for calculating the residual virulence of Brucella abortus strain 19 (S19) and Brucella melitensis strain Rev 1 vaccines in mice: theoretical basis and practical applications. Rev Sci Tech. 2003 Dec;22(3):1051-63.

Cvetnic Z, Mitak M, Ocepek M, Lojkic M, Terzic S, Jemersic L, Humski A, Habrun B, Sostaric B, Brstilo M, Krt B, Garin-Bastuji B. Wild boars (Sus scrofa) as reservoirs of Brucella suis biovar 2 in Croatia. Acta Vet Hung. 2003;51(4):465-73.

Godfroid J, Saegerman C, Wellemans V, Walravens K, Letesson JJ, Tibor A, Mc Millan A, Spencer S, Sanna M, Bakker D, Pouillot R, Garin-Bastuji B. How to substantiate eradication of bovine brucellosis when aspecific serological reactions occur in the course of brucellosis testing. Vet Microbiol. 2002 Dec 20;90(1-4):461-77. PubMed PMID: 12414165.

Cloeckaert A, Verger JM, Grayon M, Paquet JY, Garin-Bastuji B, Foster G, Godfroid J. Classification of Brucella spp. isolated from marine mammals by DNA polymorphism at the omp2 locus. Microbes Infect. 2001 Jul;3(9):729-38.

Garin-Bastuji B, Hummel N, Gerbier G, Cau C, Pouillot R, Da Costa M, Fontaine JJ. Non specific serological reactions in the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis: experimental oral infection of cattle with repeated doses of Yersinia enterocolitica O:9. Vet Microbiol. 1999 Apr 19;66(3):223-33.

Garin-Bastuji B, Blasco JM, Grayon M, Verger JM. Brucella melitensis infection in sheep: present and future. Vet Res. 1998 May-Aug;29(3-4):255-74.

Pouillot R, Lescoat P, Garin-Bastuji B, Repiquet D, Terrier P, Gerbier G, Bénet JJ, Sanaa M. Risk factors for false-positive serological reactions for bovine brucellosis in Saône-et-Loire (France). Prev Vet Med. 1998 Jun 1;35(3):165-79.

Brisabois A, Lafarge V, Brouillaud A, de Buyser ML, Collette C, Garin-Bastuji B, Thorel MF. [Pathogenic organisms in milk and milk products: the situation in France and in Europe]. Rev Sci Tech. 1997 Aug;16(2):452-71.

Gerbier G, Garin-Bastuji B, Pouillot R, Véry P, Cau C, Berr V, Dufour B, Moutou F. False positive serological reactions in bovine brucellosis: evidence of the role of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:9 in a field trial. Vet Res. 1997  Jul-Aug;28(4):375-83.

Pouillot R, Garin-Bastuji B, Gerbier G, Coche Y, Cau C, Dufour B, Moutou F. The Brucellin skin test as a tool to discriminate false positive serological reactions in bovine brucellosis. Vet Res. 1997 Jul-Aug;28(4):365-74.

Da Costa M, Guillou JP, Garin-Bastuji B, Thiébaud M, Dubray G. Specificity of six gene sequences for the detection of the genus Brucella by DNA amplification.  J Appl Bacteriol. 1996 Sep;81(3):267-75.

Kittelberger R, Hilbink F, Hansen MF, Penrose M, de Lisle GW, Letesson JJ, Garin-Bastuji B, Searson J, Fossati CA, Cloeckaert A, et al. Serological crossreactivity between Brucella abortus and Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 I immunoblot analysis of the antibody response to Brucella protein antigens in bovine brucellosis. Vet Microbiol. 1995 Dec;47(3-4):257-70.

Blasco JM, Garin-Bastuji B, Marin CM, Gerbier G, Fanlo J, Jiménez de Bagués MP, Cau C. Efficacy of different Rose Bengal and complement fixation antigens for the diagnosis of Brucella melitensis infection in sheep and goats. Vet Rec. 1994  Apr 16;134(16):415-20.

Gastellu J, Garin-Bastuji B, Oudar J. [Pathologic features of a case of systemic brucellosis due to Brucella melitensis biovar 3 in a chamois (Rupicapra  rupicapra)]. Bull Acad Natl Med. 1993 Apr;177(4):575-83; discussion 583-6.

Garin-Bastuji B, Bowden RA, Dubray G, Limet JN. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting analysis of smooth-lipopolysaccharide heterogeneity among Brucella biovars related to A and M specificities. J Clin Microbiol. 1990 Oct;28(10):2169-74.

Garin-Bastuji B, Oudar J, Richard Y, Gastellu J. Isolation of Brucella melitensis biovar 3 from a chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the southern French Alps. J Wildl Dis. 1990 Jan;26(1):116-8.

Limet JN, Bosseray N, Garin-Bastuji B, Dubray G, Plommet M. Humoral immunity  in mice mediated by monoclonal antibodies against the A and M antigens of Brucella. J Med Microbiol. 1989 Sep;30(1):37-43.

Verger JM, Garin-Bastuji B, Grayon M, Mahé AM. [Bovine brucellosis caused by Brucella melitensis in France]. Ann Rech Vet. 1989;20(1):93-102.