Training sessions on the morphological identification of Spodoptera frugiperda

From 29 November 2021 to 03 December 2021


Training sessions on the morphological identification of Spodoptera frugiperda, including practical part on dissection technique and preparation of slide-mounted genitalia.

The training will take place in the EURL facilities in Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier) and will last 1,5 days. A maximum number of 4 participants per session is admitted. Two sessions will be organised, from 30 November to 1 December and from 2 to 3 December.


Participants who have registered in 2020 do not have to register again and will be contacted for confirmation by the EURL staff. If other NRL staff members are interested in the training, please contact the EURL at

The costs will be reimbursed for only one NRL representative per EU Member State (travel, hotel expenses and daily allowance).


Full Programme, Registration form, Reimbursement letter and form are available at this link


EVENT CONCLUDED - Please, find all the presentations of the event by clicking HERE