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Insects and Mites
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Réactifs disponibles et matériaux de référence
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Available reagents and reference materials
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Three-level Workshop on the `Molecular Identification of Bactrocera zonata´

From 07 September 2021 to 07 October 2021


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Three-level Workshop on the `Molecular Identification of Bactrocera zonata´ (find workshop description at this link)

First workshop: 7th of September 2021 (half day live webinar)
Practical training: 13 to 30 September 2021 (see workshop description)
Second workshop: 7th of October 2021 (half day live webinar)

Attention! Because of the practical training the number of participants is restricted to 15 NRLs. First come – first served principle!
Nevertheless, participation is possible for more than one person per NRL by sharing the links of the workshops.
The registration will be open from July 1st to August 15th 2021  
(find registration form at this link)


This event intends to prepare the NRLs for the upcoming proficiency test on the molecular identification of B. zonata in November 2021.


EVENT CONCLUDED- Please, find all the material (report and presentations) of the event by clicking HERE

Approved reagents

1. Introduction

The European Union Reference Laboratory for Insects and Mites has to verify the quality of reagents used for the diagnosis of plant pests. In plant health sector, quality determination of reagents or reagent lots is still in an immature stage in particular in the area of molecular diagnosis.

The aim of this task is to provide EU-NRLs a list of approved reagents for molecular identification of insects. Due to the broad range of reagents and DNA extraction procedures used in molecular biology and the several influencing factors on their efficiency, the listing of single reagents and DNA extraction procedures only seems not to be useful at the current stage. The evaluation of reagents and DNA extraction is always linked to particular testing procedures. Therefore, only the full verification reports, including general recommendations, will be made available to the EU-NRLs.

PT 2021 Popillia japonica

From 01 March 2021 to 07 May 2021

Event concluded, final report available

The Anses Plant Health Laboratory, Unit of Entomology and Invasive Plants, is the European Reference Laboratory for Insects and Mites, in consortium with AGES. In this context, it organises interlaboratory proficiency tests for the detection of insects and mites, in which EU National Reference Laboratories are required to participate.

This proficiency test aimed to evaluate the capacity of participating laboratories to identify Popillia japonica through the analysis of adult and larval specimens by evaluating the accuracy of their results. For the analyses, the participants had to implement the EPPO PM7/ 74(1) or any other equivalent method

This material is reserved for NRL staff, we are counting on you to ensure that it is not disclosed outside your laboratory. Thank you for your understanding. 




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