EURL Workshop 2021
The annual meeting of the EU NRL network in entomology
Training sessions Spodoptera frugiperda - Documents
The second workshop of EURL insects & mites took place on 23-24 November 2021, in Montpellier, though most of guests preferred the videoconference solution in that pandemic period. The workshop was attended by 102 delegates : Russia and Switzerland were invited to join besides the representatives of the European Commission and the NRLs of 26 EU countries.
The next 2022 edition is planned to happen in Vienna. But the actual question is: with, or without mask?
Please, find all the material (report and presentations) from the event by clicking HERE
The EURL for Insects and Mites staff is pleased to announce to the NRL network that the EURL Workshop 2021 is planned for 23-24 November (two half-days). The event will start on Tuesday afternoon (13:00 - 17:00) and will continue on Wednesday morning (9:00 - 13:00).
The Covid pandemic permitting, the workshop will be held in a face-to-face format, allowing participants to meet each other in person at the EURL facilities in Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier). The expenditures relating to travel expenses, hotel expenses and daily allowances will be covered by the EURL and will be reimbursed for only one NRL representative per EU Member State. The meeting will be open to the participation of other members of the NRLs’ staff via videoconference.
NRLs can give suggestions about possible topics to be discussed during the workshop and presentations by participants are well accepted too. Contact us at
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