European Union Reference Laboratory for
Foot-and-Mouth disease

On June 11, 2024, the EURL for FMD organized a webinar with EuFMD on the Emergency diagnosis: interpretation of FMD tests results. Fifteen participants from 15 different countries we invited fr this 4 hours webinar. Labib Bakkali Kassimi (EURL Director) presented the EURL activities and the FMD emergency diagnosis. Then, Aurore Romey and Guillaume Girault presented three different simulation exercises: the first one was dedicated to WOAH type laboratory (live virus) and with the presentation of almost all available methods to detect and characterize FMDV. The Mentimeter tool was used to ask questions to participants and analyze the answers in real time. Then, the second scenario was similar to the first one, again with the mentimeter tool for questions, but without so much help from EURL for the answers. Finally, the third scenario was dedicated to serological analyses. This webinar was highly appreciated by participants and will may be scheduled again in the future.