PT_Anses_LSAl_23_09_CT_2024_Follow-up & report-deviation
- Detection/Enumeration
- Durability studies
- Predictive microbiology
- Proficiency testing trials
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2024/115 - 2024 Proficiency test on challenge test assessing the growth potential - follow-up to deviations
- Detection/Enumeration
- Durability studies
- Predictive microbiology
- Proficiency testing trials
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/14 - EURLs joint-training session on NGS analysis: Maisons-Alfort - 17-18 June 20258
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- Training sessions
- Circular letter
Program Joint EURLs training course NGS 2025
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- Circular letter
Information Joint EURLs training course NGS 2025
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/13 - New Regulation 2025/179 on collection and transmission of WGS data from strains involved in foodborne outbreaks
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- General
- Circular letter
EURL Lm_Timing for Surface Sampling in Food Processing Environments for Lm Detection
- Detection/Enumeration
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/12 - Bibliographical review on Timing for Surface Sampling in Food Processing Environments to Detect Listeria monocytogenes
- Detection/Enumeration
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/11 - Voluntary basis participation to EURL Lm outbreak simulation exercise
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- Circular letter
Report Enquiry on the need of a library on results of challenge tests and durability studies
- Durability studies
- Predictive microbiology
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/10 - Report Enquiry on the need of a library on results of challenge tests and durability studies
- Durability studies
- Predictive microbiology
- Circular letter
Report on the proficiency test dedicated to Listeria monocytogenes typing by cgMLST and molecular serotyping by PCR
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- Proficiency testing trials
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/09 - Report on the proficiency test dedicated to Listeria monocytogenes typing by cgMLST and molecular serotyping by PCR
- Characterisation/Epidemiology
- Circular letter
Report on the proficiency test dedicated to challenge test assessing the growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food
- Predictive microbiology
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/08 - Report of the Proficiency test on challenge test assessing the growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food
- Predictive microbiology
- Proficiency testing trials
- Circular letter
REPORT Impact of different environmental factors on the detachment of Listeria monocytogenes by sampling techniques
- Detection/Enumeration
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/07 - Technical report on the Impact of different environmental factors on the detachment of Listeria monocytogenes by sampling techniques
- Detection/Enumeration
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/06 - 2023 EUOHZ report is available
- General
- Network
- Circular letter
EURL Lm- Technical report on the Assessment the effectiveness of selected ready– to-use methods for the detection of surfaces adherent Listeria monocytogenes
- Detection/Enumeration
- Circular letter
[EURL Lm] Circular Email No 2025/05 - Technical report on the Assessment the effectiveness of selected ready– to-use methods for the detection of surfaces adherent Listeria monocytogenes
- Detection/Enumeration
- Circular letter