European Union Reference Laboratory for
Listeria monocytogenes

The Inter-European Union Reference Laboratories (EURLs) Working Group (WG) has been established by the European Commission with the aim to promote the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) across the EURLs' networks, build NGS capacity within the EU European union and ensure liaison with the work of the EURLs and the work of EFSA and ECDC on the NGS mandate sent by the Commission. The WG includes all the EURLs operating in the field of the microbiological contamination of food and feed and is coordinated by the EURL for E. coli.
The documents are meant to provide guidance to the laboratories in the area of application of NGS and have been produced by the working group with the aim of being diffused to all the networks of NRLs National Reference Laboratories. These documents are agregated in the Zenodo community InterBiorisks-EURLs working group on NGS: https://zenodo.org/communities/eurls-biorisks_wg_on_ngs.
Links to these documents at the respective curators' websites will be added below as soon as the documents become available:
"Science meets Policy" conferences:
A short communication writen to illustrate the results of the first 5 years of activity - > European Union Reference Laboratories support the National food, feed and veterinary Reference Laboratories with rolling out whole genome sequencing in Europe | Microbial Genomics