List of analytical instruments available at Anses-Fougères
Immunology-Biosensors :
- Biosensor : Evidence from Randox Co.
ELISA instruments :
- Microplate Reader type Spectra Count from Packard Bioscience Co.
- Microplate Washer LP40 type WinWasher from Packard Bioscience Co.
Physico-chemistry instruments : 
- HPLC-DAD : Agilent 1100 Series
- HPLC-DAD : Agilent 1260 Infinity II Series
- LC-MS/MS : HP1100 LC system equipped with Triple Quad API4000 AB-Sciex mass spectrometer
- LC-MS/MS : Accela LC system equipped with Triple Quad Vantage Thermo-Finnigan mass spectrometer (1)
- LC-MS/MS : Accela LC system equipped with Triple Quad Vantage Thermo-Finnigan mass spectrometer (2)
- LC-MS/MS : Shimadzu LC system equipped with Q-TRAP API 5500 AB-Sciex mass spectrometer
- LC-MS/MS : Shimadzu LC system equipped with Q-TRAP API 6500 AB-Sciex mass spectrometer
- LC-HRMS : U-HPLC Vanquish ThermoFisher LC system equipped with a Q-Exactive Plus HCD Orbital Trap ThermoFisher mass spectrometer
- LC-HRMS : U-HPLC Waters Acquity LC system equipped with a Vion IMS-Q-TOF Waters mass spectrometer
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