

[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2014/15 - Methods for Lm molecular serotyping

Dear Colleagues,
As announced during the last workshop, we dispatch to you the two molecular serotyping EURL Lm in-house methods for molecular serotyping of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), dealing with:
- the determination of the serogroups (revision);
- the amplification of the flaA gene (new).
A note introducing these 2 methods is also included.

[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2014/14 - EFSA report on Lm baseline survey-part B

Dear Colleagues,


I am pleased to inform you that EFSA has just published the report of Part B “Analysis of factors related to prevalence and exploring compliance” of  the analysis of the baseline survey on the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in certain ready-to-eat foods in the EU, 2010-2011: see web link below.


[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2014/13 - Publications on EURL Lm database

Dear colleagues,


I am pleased to announce you the recent publication of 2 papers on the set-up of the EURL Lm database, one published in Journal of Microbiological Methods, and one in ANSES publication Euroreference: see enclosed.


Wishing you a nice continuation of summer,

With best regards,





EFSA/ECDC EU Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in 2012

Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the link to the EFSA/ECDC EU Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic
Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in 2012, in particular on food-borne outbreaks due to staphylococcal
With best regards,

[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2014/11 - 2014 Typing PT Trial Invitation

Dear Colleagues,

Please find:
- attached the circular invitation to the upcomming PT Trial dedicated to Lm typing (LIS-Cr-201411L.pdf),
- the link to register the PT Trial (by 15 August 2014):

With best regards

EURL Lm Deputy manager 

