EURL rabies
Collection of samples, techniques, validation and interpretation of the diagnostic methods for the purposes of rabies surveillance are presented here.
Diagnostic methods considered compliant are presented in the WOAH rabies manual. A list of procedures inspired by the WOAH official methods is also proposed.
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Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci.
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Suspendisse dui purus, scelerisque at, vulputate vitae, pretium mattis, nunc. Mauris eget neque at sem venenatis eleifend. Ut nonummy.
Other international activities
Last update: 17 January 2020
The laboratory is:
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Management in zoonosis control since September 1983,
- WOAH Reference Laboratory for rabies since June 1991,
- European Union Reference Laboratory for rabies serology since March 2000,
- European Union Reference Laboratory for rabies since July 2008.
- Official Medicines Control Laboratory (for inactivated and oral rabies vaccines) since 2012.
The laboratory provides scientific and technical support at the European level (European Commission, EDQM, EFSA), and to international organizations (OIE, WHO) through numerous activities. The laboratory works in close cooperation with the National Reference Laboratories and their competent authorities for helping to define the strategy and the organization of oral vaccination programmes, as well as for establishing the surveillance and the monitoring of the disease (incidence of rabies, assessment of bait uptake and of rabies immunity both in adult and young target animals).
The laboratory ensures training activities in the frame of its own programmes, and collaborates in the preparation and distribution of teaching materials.
Biological reference material and laboratory services are available on request to help international laboratories to develop their own rabies surveillance and monitoring systems, as well as any other laboratory services for rabies research and epidemiology.
The rabies laboratory's experts provide scientific and technical assistance, advice and training for Member States and third countries. They are also involved in evaluation studies for improving and adapting existing diagnostic, serological, molecular biology and epidemiological tools.
Additional documentation
Reference collection
Last update: 12/01/2023
A non-exhaustive list of main partners of the network:
EU National Reference Laboratories for rabies
List of the EU National Reference Laboratories for rabies, including presentation (for private members only) and official website:
Presentation: Austrian NRL
Official website: Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Institute for Veterinary Disease Control
Presentation: Belgian NRL
Official website: Sciensano
Presentation: Bulgarian NRL
Laboratory: Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA ) National Diagnostic Research Veterinary Institute (NDRVI)
CROATIA (Republic of)
Presentation: Croatian NRL
Official website: Croatian Veterinary Institute
Presentation: Cypriot NRL
Official website: Animal Health Laboratory - Virology section
Presentation: Czech NRL
Official website: State Veterinary Institute Prague
Presentation: Danish NRL
Official website: DTU Vet
Presentation: Estonian NRL
Official website: Estonian veterinary and Food laboratory
Presentation: Finnish NRL
Official website: Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira
Presentation: French NRL and EURL
Official website: Anses-Nancy Laboratory for rabies and wildlife
Presentation: German NRL
Official website: Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut - Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
Presentation: Greek NRL
Laboratory: Virology Laboratory, Department of Molecular Diagnostics, FMD, Virological, Ricketsial and Exotic Diseases, Athens Veterinary Center
Presentation: Hungarian NRL (sorry, no file)
Official website: Veterinary Diagnostic Directorate, National Food Chain Safety Office
Presentation: Irish NRL
Official website: Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL), Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Presentation: Italian NRL
Official website: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe)
Presentation: Latvian NRL
Official website: Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR
Presentation: Lithuanian NRL
Official website: National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute
Presentation: Dutch NRL
Official website: Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR
Presentation: Polish NRL
Official website: National Veterinary Research Institute - Department of Virology
Presentation: Portuguese NRL (sorry, no file)
Official website: INIAV, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P. (In Portuguese)
Presentation: Romanian NRL
Official website: Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health Bucharest - Virology Department (in Romanian)
Presentation: Slovak NRL (sorry, no file)
Official website: State Veterinary and Food Institute - Veterinary Institute Zvolen
Presentation: Slovenian NRL
Official website: National veterinary institute
Presentation: Spanish NRL
Official website: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro Nacional de Microbiología
Official website: Laboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal (Santa Fe-Granada) (LCSA) (
Presentation: Swedish NRL
Official website: SVA, National Veterinary Institute
Last update: 14 january 2022
EURL technical evaluation
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How to contact us?
Postal address:
Nancy Laboratory for Rabies and Wildlife
Batiment H
Technopôle Agricole et Vétérinaire
CS 40 009
54220 Malzéville - France
Phone: +33 (0)3 83 29 89 50
E-Mail: For any questions or remarks, please contact us by email.
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Work programmes
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European Commission rules
Last update: 20 January 2020
EURLs, what for?
In the context of the EU strategy aimed at improving animal health and establishing the single market for live animals and animal products, a network of European Union and National Reference Laboratories dealing with major animal diseases has been gradually set up. The designation of European Union Reference Laboratories should contribute to a high quality and uniformity of analytical results. EURLs for animal health and zootechnics are listed in Annex VIII of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 on official controls, a regulation which was recently repealed and replaced by Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017, starting 29 April 2018, in order to rationalize and simplify the overall legislative framework, and integrate the rules applicable to official controls in specific areas into a single legislative framework for official controls.
Functions and duties of the EURLs consist notably in providing information on analysis methods and organising comparative tests with the National Reference Laboratories, coordinating the application of the methods and research into new analysis methods, organising training and advanced courses for National Reference Laboratory staff and providing scientific and technical assistance to the Commission.
Apart from these duties and functions the Commission approves an annual or bi-annual working plan for each EURL specifying their tasks for the next year(s).
Financial aid to EURLs
Within the framework of Council Decision 90/424/EEC on expenditure in the veterinary field of 26 June 1990, these laboratories may receive European Union financial aid for fulfilling the tasks and functions specified in the animal health legislation. For this reason, the work programmes for the EURLs concerned are approved every year via specific Decisions, based on Council Decision 90/425/EEC. Appropriations shall be decided upon each year as part of the budgetary procedure.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 of 28 November 2006 lays down detailed rules for the granting of European Union financial assistance to European Union Reference Laboratories for feed and food and the animal health sector pursuant to Article 28 of Decision 90/424/EEC. The said Regulation provides that the financial contribution from the European Union is to be granted if the approved work programmes are efficiently carried out and that the beneficiaries supply all the necessary information within certain time limits. In accordance with Article 2 of this Regulation, the relationship between the Commission and each European Union Reference Laboratory is laid down in a partnership agreement which is supported by a multi-annual work programme.
Eradication and monitoring programmes
The European Commission has eradication and monitoring programmes for animal diseases (Regulation (EU) N° 652/2014). These national veterinary programmes aim at progressively eliminating animal diseases that are endemic to certain areas of the European Union. They also include checks aimed at preventing zoonoses. The programmes include a wide range of measures including vaccination, testing of animals, compensation for slaughtering or culling and treatment.
Rabies is part of the second group of diseases (“diseases with impact on human health and/or animal health and close to eradication, whenfeasible") covered by the EC programmes.
Task force for monitoring disease eradication in the Member States
The Task Force was created in a meeting held on 15 March 2000 in Brussels in accordance with action 29 of the White Paper on Food Safety . The objectives of the Task Force are to improve animal disease eradication as well as improve the cost-benefit ratio of animal disease eradication programmes co-financed by the European Union. Meetings are chaired by the Commission and take place in Brussels each three to six months. For some diseases (sheep and goat brucellosis, bovine brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis, rabies, salmonellosis) subgroups of the Task Force have been established.
The subgroups support the Task Force and the Member States in their attempts to develop and to implement optimal disease eradication measures. The members of the subgroups are personally nominated.
For each meeting of the Subgroups a final report is produced. In those reports, a number of conclusions and recommendations are provided. The Task Force for rabies was created in 2004.
Year | Date | Town | Country |
2017 | 2-4 October | Bucharest | Romania |
2015 | 15-16 October | Budapest | Hungary |
2012 | 11-12 December | Warsaw | Poland |
2012 | 29-30 November | Zagreb | Croatia |
2011 | 28 April | Kaliningrad | Russia |
2011 | 14-15 March | Plovdiv | Bulgaria |
2010 | 8-9 November | Tartu | Estonia |
2009 | 27-28 October | Vilnius | Lithuania |
2008 | 26-27 November | Riga | Latvia |
2007 | 11-12 May | Velky Meder | Slovak Republic |
2006 | 6-7 April | Poznan | Poland |
2005 | 26-27 April | Vilnius | Lithuania |
2004 | 21-22 September | Klagenfurt | Austria |
Source: (Section "4. Useful information" / "Subgroup" / "Rabies subgroup")
Additional documentation
- European Union Reference Laboratories (Europa website)
- Funding of Animal Health Measures (Europa website)
- Official Control Regulation (EU) 2017/625
Training and development
The EURL provides scientific and technical assistance to all the National Reference Laboratories (NRLs)
● Organisation of training sessions on request (in Nancy or in the NRL), with transfer of techniques,
● Organisation of workshops with interested NRLs on specific topics,
● Establishment of procedures and guidelines,
● Providing on-going remote technical assistance (phone meetings, e-mails, biological material supplying on request, etc.).