EU-RL for equine diseases

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EURL EIA and dourine workshops _Organisation and global assessment

this is a questionnaire on the organisation and the global assessment of the 10th workkshops of the EURL on equine diseases (EIA and dourine topics)

1: poor; 2 : average; 3: satisfactory ; 4: very satisfactory
1: poor; 2 : average; 3: satisfactory; 4: very satisfactory
1: poor; 2 : average; 3: satisfactory ; 4: very satisfactory
1 : poor; 2: average; 3: satisfactory and 4 : very satisfactory

EURL dourine workshop 2018_Evaluation questionnaire

We would like to thank you in advance for the time you are taking for feedback enquiry. Your answers will participate to help us in the preparation of future workshops

Providing your email adress
1: poor; 2: average ; 3: satisfactory ; 4 : very satisfactory
1: poor; 2: average ; 3: satisfactory ; 4 : very satisfactory
1: poor; 2: average ; 3: satisfactory ; 4 : very satisfactory
1: poor; 2: average ; 3: satisfactory ; 4 : very satisfactory

EURL EIA workshop 2018-Evaluation Questionnaire

We would like to thank you in advance for the time you are taking for feedback enquiry. Your answers will participate to help us in the preparation of future workshops

1: poor; 2: average; 3: satisfactory; 4: very satisfactory
1: poor; 2: average; 3: satisfactory; 4: very satisfactory
1: poor; 2: average; 3: satisfactory; 4: very satisfactory
1: poor; 2: average; 3: satisfactory; 4: very satisfactory
