Surveillance of Aethina tumida in Italy in 2018
A new sentinel apiary was confirmed positive (purple cross on the maps) on 12th. November 2018 in Villa San Giovanni situated in the protection zone of 30 km (Figure 1 and Table 1). Adults and a hundred of larvae of Aethina tumida were detected on this apiary. Another sentinel apiary was confirmed positive on June 2017 in this municipality.
As of 11th. December 2018, four sentinel apiaries and one natural colony were found infested (Table 2) in the province of Reggio di Calabria.
The sanitary situation in Sicily and in the province of Cosenza remains unchanged (Figure 3 and Figure 4).
Please click on the map to access the figure with a higher resolution
Figure 1: The 30 km protection zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria (dated from 11th. December 2018)
As of 26th. November 2018, there is no new evidence of A. tumida infestation reported on the website of the Italian National Reference Laboratory. The last update was made on 18th. September. At that time, four cases of infestation by A. tumida were identified in the province of Reggio Calabria in the South of Italy:
- Three sentinel apiaries were confirmed positive (purple crosses on maps) whose two were situated in the protection zone of 30 km (Figure 1 and Table 1). The first one was confirmed on August 1st. in the municipality of Palmi where adults and a larva were detected. An outbreak was discovered in the same municipality in March 2017. The second sentinel apiary was confirmed positive on August 7th. in the municipality of Brancaleone situated approximately 15 km away from the protection zone on the south-east coast of the province of Reggio Calabria. Adults of SHB were detected. The last sentinel apiary was confirmed positive in Rosarno on September 4th. This sentinel apiary was infested with adults and larvae. It was situated approximately 12 km away from the outbreak confirmed in Laureana Di Borello.
- One outbreak was confirmed on August 2nd. in the municipality of Laureana Di Borello (red cross on maps) in the protection zone of 30 km (Figure 1 and Table 2). It corresponds to a natural swarm which was infested by adults and larvae of SHB. Another natural swarm was discovered infested with larvae in the same municipality in April 2017.
Italian national surveillance plan against Aethina tumida for 2018 on the website of the NRL :
Figure 1: The 30 km protection zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria (dated from 18th. September 2018)