Peer-reviewed publications
Last updated 2023.01.05
- « Presence and Depletion of Sulfadiazine, Trimethoprim, and Oxytetracycline into Feathers of Treated Broiler Chickens and Impact on Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. », Dréano E., C. Valentin, J.-F. Taillandier, A. Travel, C. Soumet, A. Bridier, D. Hurtaud-Pessel, M. Laurentie, A. Viel, et S. Mompelat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70 (51): 16106-16.
- « Fate of Sulfonamides and Tetracyclines in Meat during Pan Cooking: Focus on the Thermodegradation of Sulfamethoxazole. », Planche C., S. Chevolleau, M.-H. Noguer-Meireles, I. Jouanin, S. Mompelat, J. Ratel, E. Verdon, E. Engel, et L. Debrauwer. Molecules 27 (19): 1-14.
- « Validation of a LC-MS/MS method for the quantitative analysis of four antibiotics in pig tissues and plasma to assess the risk of transfer of residues to edible matrices after exposure to cross-contaminated feed. » Santos-Santorum Suarez, C., P. Sanders, A. Perrin-Guyomard, D. Hurtaud-Pessel, M. Laurentie, A. Viel, J.-F. Taillandier, M.-P. Lagree, et M. Gaugain. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A 39 (11): 1818-27.
- Confirmation of five nitrofuran metabolites including nifursol metabolite in meat and aquaculture products by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Validation according to European Union Decision 2002/657/EC. Guichard, Pierre, Michel Laurentie, Dominique Hurtaud-Pessel, and Eric Verdon. Food Chemistry 342: 128389.
- Development and Optimization of an Amperometric Immunosensor for the Detection of Banned Antibiotic Residues in Honey. Gaudin, Valérie, Caroline Bodin, Céline Hédou, Christophe Soumet and Eric Verdon. Proceedings, MDPI, 1st International Electronic Conference on Biosensors, 2–17 November 2020, available online:
- Development of a multi-class method to determine nitroimidazoles, nitrofurans, pharmacologically active dyes and chloramphenicol in aquaculture products by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Chen DM., Delmas JM., Hurtaud-Pessel D., Verdon E., Food Chemistry 311: 125924;
- Control of Antimicrobials in Feed Using Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Assessment of Cross-Contamination Rates at the Farm Level. Gaugain, Murielle, Marie-Pierre Fourmond, Régine Fuselier, Eric Verdon, Brigitte Roudaut, and Dominique Pessel. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68 (34): 9033-9042.
- Evaluation of three ELISA kits for the screening of colistin residue in porcine and poultry muscle according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods. Gaudin, Valérie, C. Hédou, A. Rault, E. Verdon, and C. Soumet. ; Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 37 (10): 1651-1666.
- Evaluation of ELISA kits for the screening of four nitrofuran metabolites in aquaculture products according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods. Gaudin, Valérie, C. Hédou, A. Rault, E. Verdon, and C. Soumet Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A: 1-18.
- The Growing Interest in Development of Innovative Optical Aptasensors for the Detection of Antimicrobial Residues in Food Products. Gaudin, Valérie. Biosensors 10 (3): 21.
- In vitro investigations of the metabolism of Victoria pure blue BO dye to identify main metabolites for food control in fish. Dubreil, Estelle, L. Sczubelek, V. Burkina, V. Zlabek, S. Sakalli, G. Zamaratskaia, D. Hurtaud-Pessel, and E. Verdon. Chemosphere 238: 124538,
- Corrigendum : Dye residues in aquaculture products: Targeted and metabolomics mass spectrometric approaches to track their abuse. Dubreil-Chéneau, Estelle, S. Mompelat, V. Kromer, Y. Guitton, M. Danion, T. Morin, D. Hurtaud-Pessel, and E. Verdon
- A non-targeted LC-HRMS approach for detecting exposure to illegal veterinary treatment : the case of cephalosporins in commercial laying hens. GAUGAIN M., MOMPELAT S., FOURMOND MP., MANCEAU J., ROLLAND JG., LAURENTIE M., VERDON E., BELLANGER L., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., Journal of Chromatography A, 1599:161-171. Doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.04.022
- Dye residues in aquaculture products: targeted and metabolomics mass spectrometric approaches to track their abuse. DUBREIL E., MOMPELAT S., KROMER V., GUITTON Y., DANION M., MORIN T., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., VERDON E., Journal of Food Chemistry, 294 (2019) 355–367
- Multiplex immunoassay based on biochip technology for the screening of antibiotic residues in milk: validation according to the European guideline. GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., SOUMET C., VERDON E., Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 2018. 4: p. 1-18. doi: 10.1080/19440049.2018.1538572
- Strategies for the screening of antibiotic residues in eggs: comparison of the validation of the classical microbiological method with an immunobiensensor method. GAUDIN V., RAULT A., HEDOU C., SOUMET C., VERDON E., Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2017. 34(9): p. 1510-1527
- State of the art in the validation of screening methods for the control of antibiotic residues: is there a need for further development? , GAUDIN V., Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2017. 34(9): p. 1528-1552
- Certains dyes as Pharmacologically Active Substances in Fish Farming and other Aquaculture Products, VERDON E., ANDERSEN W., 2017, Chapter 9, pp497-547, in "Chemical Analysis of Non-Antimicrobial Veterinary Drug Residues in Food - First Edition". Editors : Jack F. Kay, James D. MacNeil and Jian Wang, Published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc - ISBN :
- Advances in biosensor development for the screening of antibiotic residues in food products of animal origin - A comprehensive review, GAUDIN V., 2017, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol 90, 363-377
- Development and validation of a multiclass method for the determination of antibiotic residues in honey using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, EL HAWARI K., MOKH S., DOUMYATI S., AL ISKANDARANI M., VERDON E. 2017, Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A., 2 Apr; 34(4): 582-597, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2016.1232491
- Impact of ion-pairs for the determination of multiclass antimicrobial residues in Honey by LC-MS/MS, EL HAWARI K., DAHER Z., VERDON E., AL ISKANDARANI M., 2017, Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A., 34(12): 2131-2143, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2017.1372641
- Validation approach for a fast and simple targeted screening method for 75 antibiotics in meat and aquaculture products using LC-MS/MS, DUBREIL E., GAUTIER S., FOURMOND MP., BESSIRAL M., GAUGAIN M., VERDON E., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., 2016, Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 1-16, 34(4):453-468, DOI : 10.1080/19440049.2016.1230278
- Comprehensive validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the confirmation of chloramphenicol in urine including stability of the glucuronide conjugate and efficiency of deconjugation, GAUGAIN M., CHOTARD MP., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., VERDON E., 2016, Journal of Chromatography B, Vol 1011, 145-150
- Evaluation and Validation of a multi-residue method based on biochip technology for the simultaneous screening of six families of antibiotics in muscle and aquaculture products, GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., SOUMET C., VERDON E.., 2016, Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess, 33(3), 403-419
- The Monitoring of Triphenylmethane Dyes in Aquaculture Products Through the European Union Network of Official Control Laboratories, VERDON E., BESSIRAL M., CHOTARD MP., COUEDOR P., FOURMOND MP., FUSELIER R., GAUGAIN M., GAUTIER S., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., LAURENTIE M., PIROTAIS Y., ROUDAUT B., SANDERS P., 2015, Journal of AOAC International, Vol 98, No 3, 649-657
- Validation of a liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry method for the analysis of ceftiofur in poultry muscle, kidneys and plasma: A unique accuracy profile for each and every matrix, MOMPELAT S., FOURMOND MP., LAURENTIE M., VERDON E., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., ABJEAN JP., 2015, Journal of Chromatography A, 1407, 119-129
- 6-Iso-chlortetracycline or keto form of chlortetracycline? Need for clarification for relevant monitoring of chlortetracycline residues in food, GAUGAIN M., GAUTIER S., BOURCIER S., JACQUES AM., LAURENTIE M., ABJEAN JP., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., VERDON E., 2015, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2015.1036381
- Confirmation of 13 sulfonamides in honey by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for monitoring plans: Validation according to European Union Decision 2002/657/EC, DUBREIL-CHENEAU E., PIROTAIS Y., VERDON E., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., 2014, Journal of Chromatography A, 1339 (0), 128-136
- Evaluation and validation of a biochip multi-array technology for the screening of 14 sulphonamide and trimethoprim residues in honey according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods for veterinary medicines, GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., SOUMET C., VERDON E., 2014, Food and Agricultural Immunology. 1-19.
- Evaluation and validation of biochip multi-array technology for the screening of six families of antibiotics in honey according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods for residues of veterinary medicines, GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., SOUMET C., VERDON E., 2014, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A. 31:1699-1711.
- A role for high-resolution mass spectrometry in the high-throughput analysis and identification of veterinary medicinal product residues and of their metabolites in foods of animal origin, VERDON E., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., JAGADESHWAR-REDDY T., 2014, Chapter 7, p 213-229. In "High Throughput Analysis for Food Safety, first edition". Edited by Perry G. Wang, Mark F. Vitha, Jack F. Kay., Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc
- Determination of Residues of Three Triphenylmethane Dyes and Their Metabolites (Malachite Green, Leuco Malachite Green, Crystal Violet, Leuco Crystal Violet, Brilliant Green) in Aquaculture Products by LC-MS/MS: First Action 2012.25, HURTAUD-PESSEL D., COUEDOR P., VERDON E., DOWELL D., JAOAC International, 96, 5, 2013, 1152-1157
- Stability study for 53 antibiotics in solution and in fortified biological matrices by LC-MS/MS, GAUGAIN M., CHOTARD M.P., VERDON E. 2013. JAOAC International, 96, 2, 2013, 1-10
- Evaluation and validation of two microbiological tests for the screening of antibiotic residues in honey according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods. GAUDIN V, DE COURVILLE A., HEDOU C, RAULT A, DIOMANDE SE. , CREFF-FROGER C., VERDON E. 2013. Food Additives & Contaminants Part A. 30, 2, January 2013, 234-243.
- Validation of a commercial receptor kit for tetracycline residues in honey according to the European guideline for screening methods. GAUDIN V., RAULT A., VERDON E. 2013. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2013, 24, 1, 111-128
- Validation of two ELISA kits for the screening of tylosin and streptomycin in honey according to the European decision 2002/657/EC. V. GAUDIN, C. HEDOU and E. VERDON. 2013. Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A, 2013, 30, 1, 93-109
- Towards the Development of Robust Protocols for the Establishment of MRLs in Honey. FUSSELL R., KAY J., VERDON E., SHARMAN M. 2012. Euroreference. Anses Journal n°8, Winter 2012, 14-16
- Validation of a commercial receptor kit Sulfasensor® Honey for the screening of sulfonamides in honey according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. V. GAUDIN*, A. RAULT and E. VERDON. 2012. Food Additives and Contaminants. Vol. 29, No. 6, June 2012, 942–950
- Developing a new screening method for the detection of antibiotic residues in muscle tissues in using liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry -with a LC-LTQ-Orbitrap instrument. HURTAUD-PESSEL D., JAGADESHWAR-REDDY T., VERDON E. 2011. Food Additives and Contaminants. 28 (10) 1340-1351
- High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS) for screening drug residues. VERDON E., JAGADESHWAR-REDDY T., HURTAUD-PESSEL D. 2011. Euroreference. Anses Journal n°5, Summer 2011, 14-20
- Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Determination of Dye Residues in Aquaculture Products: Development and Validation. HURTAUD-PESSEL D., COUEDOR P., VERDON E. 2011. Journal of Chromatography A. 1218, 1632-1645
- Validation of a five plate test, the STAR protocol, for the screening of antibiotic residues in muscle from different animal species according to European Decision 2002/657/EC. GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., RAULT A., VERDON E. 2010. Food Additives and Contaminants. 27 (7) 935–952
- Antibiotic Residues in Muscle Tissues of Edible Animal Products. VERDON E., 2011, Chapter 10 in “Safety Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin”. Editors L.M.L. Nollet and F. Toldra, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, pp 249-348 –ISBN : 978-1-4398-4817-3
- Validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry screening method to monitor 58 antibiotics in milk: a qualitative approach. GAUGAIN-JUHEL M., DELEPINE B., GAUTIER S., FOURMOND MP., GAUDIN V., HURTAUD-PESSEL D., VERDON E. & SANDERS P. 2009. Food Additives and Contaminants. 26 (11) 1459–1471.
- Comparative study of 3 screening tests, Explorer® test, Premi®Test, 2 microbiological tube tests and a multi-sulphonamides ELISA kit, for the detection of antimicrobial and sulphonamide residues in eggs. GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., RAULT A., SANDERS P. & VERDON E.. 2009. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A. 26 (4) 427–440.
- Validation of a wide-spectrum microbiological tube test, the EXPLORER® test, for the detection of antimicrobials in muscle from different animal species. GAUDIN V., HEDOU C. & VERDON E. 2009. Food Additives and Contaminants 26 (8) 1162–1171.
- Use of the total error approach to evaluate the performance of a semi-quantitative immunological method (BIACORE method) for detecting sulfamethazine in bovine milk. LAURENTIE M., GAUDIN V. 2009. Journal of Chromatography B, 877 2375–2379.
- Application of total error approach to assess the performance of a biological method (ELISA) to detect nicarbazin residues in eggs. GAUDIN V., LAURENTIE M. 2009. Journal of Chromatography B, 877 2358–2362.
- Validation of a multi-residue LC tandem MS confirmatory method for 10 anticoccidials in eggs according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC, DUBREIL-CHENEAU E., BESSIRAL M., ROUDAUT B., VERDON E., SANDERS P., 2009, Journal of Chromatography A, 1216, (46), 8149-8157
- Antibiotic Residues in Muscle Tissues of Edible Animal Products. VERDON E., 2009, Chapter 42 of the Handbook of Muscle Food Analysis, in Food Science and Technology Series, editors Leo M.L. Nollet and Fidel Toldra, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL, 33487-2742, 2009, 855-947, ISBN 978-1-4200-4529-1
- AFNOR validation of Premi®Test, a microbiological-based screening tube-test for the detection of antimicrobial residues in animal tissue, GAUDIN V., JUHEL-GAUGAIN M., MORETAIN JP., SANDERS P., Food Additives and Contaminants, 25, 12, 2008, 1451-1464
- Validation of a Biacore method for screening 8 sulfonamides in milk and porcine muscle tissues according to a European decision 2002/657/EC, GAUDIN V., HEDOU C., SANDERS P., JAOAC Int, 2007, 90 (6), 1706-1715
- Multi-residue monitoring for hte simultaneous determination of five nitrofurans (furazolidone, furaltadone, nitrofurazone, nitrofurantoine, nifursol) in poultry muscle tissue through the detection of their five major metabolites (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM, AHD, DNSAH) by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry - In-house validaiton in line with Commission Decision 657/2002/EC, VERDON E., COUEDOR P., SANDERS P., Analytica chimica acta, 2007, 586, 336-347
- Proficiency study for the determination of nitrofuran metabolites in shrimps, HURTAUD-PESSEL D., VERDON E., BLOT J., SANDERS P., Food Additives and Contaminants, 2006, 23, 6, 569-578
- Evaluation of the limit of performance of an analytical method based on a statistical calculation of its critical concentrations according to ISO Standard 11843 – Application to Routine Control of Banned Veterinary Drug Residues in Food According to European Decision 657/2002/EC, VERDON E.,
- HURTAUD-PESSEL D., SANDERS P., Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Journal for Quality, Comparability and Reliability in Chemical Measurement, 2006, 11, 58-62
- Multiresidue Method for Simultaneous Determination of 10 Quinolone Antibacterial Residues in Multimatrix/Multispecies Animal Tissues by Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection: Single Laboratory Validation Study, VERDON E., COUEDOR P., ROUDAUT B., SANDERS P., JAOAC Int, 2005, 88 (4), 1179-1192
- Results of a European proficiency test for the detection of streptomycin/dihydrostreptomycin, gentamicin and neomycin in milk by ELISA and biosensor methods, GAUDIN V., CADIEU N. and SANDERS P., Analytica Chimica Acta, 2005, 529 (1-2), 273-283
- Validation of a microbiological method: the STAR protocol, a five-plate test, for the screening of antibiotic residues in milk, GAUDIN V., MARIS P., FUSELIER R., RIBOUCHON JL., CADIEU N., RAULT A., 2004, Food Additives and Contaminants, 21 (5), 422-433
- Inter-laboratory studies for the evaluation of ELISA kits for the detection of chloramphenicol residues in milk and muscle • Valérie GAUDIN, Nathalie CADIEU and Pierre MARIS, Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2004, 15 (3-4), 143-157
- Separation of Tetracycline Antibiotics by Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography using an Amino-Propyl Stationary Phase, VALETTE J.C., DEMESMAY C., ROCCA J.L., VERDON E., Chromatographia, 2003, 59, 55-60
- High-performance liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection for the screening and quantification of oxolinic acid, flumequine and sarafloxacin in fish ROUDAUT B., YORKE J., 2002, J. Chromatogr. B., 780 (2), 481-485
- Sulphonamide residues in eggs following drug administration via the drinking water ROUDAUT B, GARNIER M, Food Additives and Contaminants, 2002, 19, 373-378
- Liquid chromatographic determination of ampicillin residues in porcine muscle tissue by a multipenicillin analytical method: European Collaborative Study. VERDON E, COUEDOR P, MARIS P, LAURENTIE M, Journal of AOAC international, 2002, 85, 889-900
- Screening of penicillin residues in milk by a surface plasmon resonance based biosensor assay : comparison of chemical and enzymatic sample treatment GAUDIN V, FONTAINE J, MARIS P, Analytica chimica acta, 2001, 436, 191-198
- Measurements for certification of chlortetracycline reference materials within the European Union Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme GAUGAIN-JUHEL M, Mc EVOY JDG, VAN GINKEL LA, Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry, 2000, 368, 656-663
- Determination of four nitroimidazole residues in poultry meat by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry HURTAUD-PESSEL D, DELEPINE B, LAURENTIE M, Journal of chromatography. A, 2000, 882, 89-98
- Stability of penicillin antibiotic residues in meat during storage. Ampicillin VERDON E, FUSELIER R, HURTAUD-PESSEL D, COUEDOR P, CADIEU N, LAURENTIE M, Journal of chromatography. A, 2000, 882, 135-143
- Quantification of nine quinolones in chicken tissues by high prformance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection YORKE JC, FROC P, Journal of chromatography. A, 2000, 882, 63-77
- Development of a biosensor based immunoassay for screening of chloramphenicol residues in milk GAUDIN V, MARIS P, Food and agricultural immunology, 2000, 13, 77-86
- Determination of sulfamethazine in milk in biosensor immunoassay GAUDIN V., PAVY ML, Journal of AOAC international, 1999, 82 (6), 1316-1320
- Multi-residues analytical method for the determination of 8 penicillin residues in muscle tissue by ion-pair reversed phase HPLC after precolumn derivatization, VERDON E., COUEDOR P.,Journal of AOAC international, 1999, 82 (5), 1083-1095