European Union Reference Laboratory for
Coagulase Positive Staphylococci

The course was organised by the working group (WG) for measurement uncertainty (MU), which is a joint WG including participants from:
The training course was held at SVA in Uppsala, Sweden, from Tuesday 17 to Wednesday 18 October 2023. It started on Tuesday 17 at 9:00 am at and finished on Wednesday 18 October at 12:00 noon.
The training course was focused on the implementation of EN ISO 19036:2019 Microbiology of the food chain — Estimation of measurement uncertainty for quantitative determinations.
Agenda avalaible >>>>>here>>>>>
Presentations avalaible >>>>>here>>>>>
National Veterinary Institute (SVA)
Ulls väg 2B
Uppsala, Sweden
Meeting room Kontiki
EURLs reimbursed the expenses related to travel, accommodation, and subsistence of the selected applicants according to the EU rules.
Selection criteria:
• Training needs of the NRL;
• If a given laboratory has several NRL mandates, only one applicant from the same laboratory can participate;
• Only one participant per country for each EURL can participate;
• Priority will be given to NRLs that did not participate in the first on-site Training Course on Measurement Uncertainty in 2022.
EURL for Campylobacter has reserved rooms for you at Hotel Botanika (https://hotellbotanika.se/) at Skolgatan 45 in Uppsala, at a rate of SEK 1125 per night.