European Union Reference Laboratory for
Coagulase Positive Staphylococci

Agenda - EURL organisation chart - Report - List of participants
Day 1: Wed. 22 April 13:00-17:00 Link to package of the presentations (zip file)
Opening: waiting room from 13:00 to 13:30, Welcome and opening of the workshop and Presentation of the workshop (LOMBARD), Roll call of participants
Proficiency tests: 2019 CPS PT (FATIHI), 2019-2020 proficiency test (PT) (MUTEL)
Guidance documents and SOPs: EURL Guide on PTs organised by NRLs (LOMBARD), Certification of detection kits (LOMBARD, NIA & HENNEKINNE), Update on the WG on the role of the NRLs in the investigation of staphylococcal foodborne outbreaks (GUILLIER), NGS guidances (MERDA)
Day 2: Thur. 23 April 13:00-17:00 Link to package of the presentations (zip file)
Opening: waiting room from 13:00 to 13:30
Analytical development of the methods for use by EURL & NRLs: Genome wide profiling of strains from naturally contaminated food (MERDA), Enlargement of scope of the methods for the detection of new SE types (NIA)
EURL scientific & technical assistance to NRLs: Scientific and technical assistance to NRLs including training (FATIHI, MERDA, VINGADASSALON, Y.NIA), Sequencing online support (ASSÉRÉ, MERDA), WG EURLS on NGS (ASSÉRÉ & MERDA)
Participation to CEN/ISO standardisation activities: New Standard EN ISO 19036 on measurement uncertainty (LOMBARD), Update on ISO TC34 SC9 WG13 revision of EN ISO 6888 series (LOMBARD), Update on ISO TC34 SC9 WG25 on WGS (ASSÉRÉ)
Day 3: Fri. 24 April 9:30-13:00 Link to package of the presentations (zip file)
Opening: waiting room from 9:00 to 9:30
Monitoring: Reporting of foodborne outbreaks due to staphylococcal enterotoxins and CPS in food and animals in the European Union, 2018 (AMORE)
Drafting future EURL work programme: Outcome of the brainstorming session (EURL team)
Conclusion of the workshop: Any other items, Closure