European Union Reference Laboratory for
Coagulase Positive Staphylococci

Opening: EURL CPS chart, Agenda, Roll call, DG SANTE update
Network: 2018 satisfaction enquiry
Monitoring: Reporting of foodborne outbreaks due to staphylococcal enterotoxins and CPS in food and animals in the European Union, 2017 (RIZZI), An SFPO at a pizzeria in Sweden (JACOBSSON), Outcome of the enquiry on the role of the NRLs in the investigation of staphylococcal foodborne outbreaks (GUILLIER), Surveillance program of CPS in cheeses in Norway (SKJERDAL)
CPS enumeration: 2017 and 2018 CPS PT (NIA & FATIHI), 2019 PT (FATIHI), EURL Guide on PTs organised by NRLs (LOMBARD), Update on ISO standardisation (LOMBARD)
Detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins: 2018 and 2019 proficiency test (PT) (MUTEL), Implementation of the amendment to EC Regulation 2073/2005 (EU Regulation 2019/229) and certification of detection kits (NIA & LOMBARD), Support to NRLs and confirmatory ELISA test for NRLs (MUTEL), Quantitative values of CRMs and perspectives (NIA), Naturally contaminated cheeses for PTs on CPS and SEs (GUILLIER & ROMANO), Enlargement of scope of the methods for the detection of new toxin types (NIA)
CPS characterisation: Outcome of WG meeting, 26 June (MERDA), Support to NRLs (VINGADASSALON), Update on WGS for CPS typing and characterisation: Comparison of typing methods (VINGADASSALON), Benchmark NAuRA (MERDA), Genomic of Staphylococcus aureus strains in food (MERDA), Genomic characterisation of Staphylococcus at IT NRL (A. ROMANO), WG25 (MISTOU & LOMBARD), WG EURLS on NGS (ASSÉRÉ & MERDA), Prevalence of SE genes (SCHWENDIMANN)